How to Register


  • For information on how to apply, visit
  • Prior to registering for classes, 学生必须符合德州成功计划(TSI)的要求,并完成学术指导.
  • After meeting with an academic advisor, please register on-line by following the instructions below:

Questions? Contact

Registration has a new format. See below on how to register for your classes and/or review our quick guide.

Class Schedules

Choose a Topic

Registration Guide

  • Self-Service Banner Log on/off


    1. Click on LU Connect located in the black bar at the top of the page.
      You will be re-directed to the LU Portal.
    2. Click Self-Service Banner.
    3. Enter your student identification number in the User ID field.
    4. 这是招生办公室发出的录取信中提供的“L”号.
    5. Enter your PIN (personal identification number).
      Your initial PIN is your six-digit birth date (MMDDYR). 第一次登录时,您需要将密码重置为您选择的六位数字. 你还需要输入一个安全问题/答案,让你重置你的密码,如果你忘记了它.


    Click Exit in the top right corner and close the browser.


  • Searching and Registering for Classes

    Choose Plan Ahead if Registration is not available yet or you have a hold. Chose Register for Classes if Registration is open and you have no holds.

    一旦你点击“提前计划”或“注册课程”,你就需要登录, using your LEA and password

    从下拉菜单中选择你想注册的学期. Click Continue.

    You may now start shopping for classes in multiple ways.

    Utilizing a pre-built plan (advisor built through your degree audit or self built in Plan Ahead)

    1. From the registration link, 以前由您或您的顾问构建的计划将显示在计划选项卡上. 如果计划包含部分,“添加全部”会自动将每个部分添加到您的日程安排中.
      1. If sections have not yet been selected, 单击每个课程旁边的“查看部分”,并按照下面的说明进行操作.
      2. Select submit in the bottom right to register classes.
    在注册之前,您可以使用提前计划功能选择您感兴趣的课程和部分. You can save more than one plan.

    Entering a CRN directly

    1. 如果您知道要添加的确切CRN,只需单击Enter CRN选项卡
    2. Enter a CRN and click Add to Summary to add it to your shopping cart.
    3. 当您完成在购物车中注册类时,单击Submit.

    Browsing for Courses

    1. You may use the Find Classes tab to shop for classes by subject, course number, keyword or some combination of these or more advanced search parameters

    1. Enter your search criteria in the provided spaces and click Search
    2. 单击单个课程旁边的Add按钮,将课程添加到购物车中.
    3. 完成后,单击Submit以在购物车中注册所有类.
  • Dropping Classes
    1. Click Student or the Student tab.
    2. Click Registration.
    3. Click Add or Drop Classes.
    4. Select Web Drop from the drop down menu next to the appropriate class.
    5. Click Submit Changes.

    The course should no longer appear on your schedule

  • Late Withdrawal

    To initiate an appeal to withdraw from all classes after the last day to drop or withdraw published for a semester has passed, a student must follow the following guidelines:

    1. Administrative Withdrawal
      1. A written letter of appeal describing extenuating circumstances that occurred within the semester(s) for which they are seeking administrative withdrawal; and
      2. Documentation of extenuating circumstances: Examples include:
        1. A university error
          1. The course syllabus, departmental calendar, or similarly related publication contained an incorrect deadline.
          2. 大学教职员工承认向学生提供了不正确的信息
        2. Active Military Duty;
        3. Death in the family, defined as a family member within one degree of separation from the student; or
          1. Student's parent or step-parent;
          2. Student's sibling or step-sibling;
          3. Student's spouse or partner, and/or;
          4. Student's child or step-child
        4. Natural catastrophe or disaster
    2. Medical Withdrawal
      1. A written letter of appeal describing extenuating medical circumstances that occurred within the semester(s) for which they are seeking Medical Withdrawal; and
      2. 学生不能在规定期限内退学的医疗状况证明文件. Examples of documentation required include but are not limited to:
        1. Medical diagnosis;
        2. Disability diagnosis; and/or
        3. Hospital Bill

    提交行政或医疗退出请求的截止日期. 行政和医疗退学申请必须在学期结束前提交,否则将无法顺利完成学期. As an example, 如果学生在秋季或春季经历了值得考虑的行政退学的情有可原的情况,学生必须在随后的春季或秋季学期结束之前完成退学申请流程, respectively.

     Tuition and fee reimbursement as a result of administrative withdrawals. 只有在学校网站上公布的退款期限内,费用才会退还.

    Appealing medical withdrawal decisions. 由于与身体或精神健康状况有关的情有可原的情况,首席医务官不批准退出请求, they will report findings to the Dean of Students. 关于此事的最终决定是由副教务长作出的,从这一步骤将不会有进一步的上诉.

    Appealing non-medical withdrawal decisions. 学生可以选择向系主任/项目主任和学术单位向学院院长提出上诉. 这件事的最终决定权在大学,从这一步起将不会有进一步的上诉.

    在自动“W”期之后但在提款截止日期之前处理的提款 (秋季和春季学期期末考试开始前两周(16周),期末考试开始前一周(8周), 五周和夏季学期)将在评分过程中由讲师分配一个分数. 评分的唯一选择将是收到在退出之日获得的成绩.

    1. 如果学生在退学或休学的正式日期通过了课程 a "Q" grade will be assigned.
    2. 如果学生在正式退学或退学日期未通过课程 an F grade will be assigned.

    Withdrawal requests for completed parts of term, i.e. 在学期结束日期之前结束的课程已经提交的成绩-例如学期后8周的前8周课程, 或学期后五周的前五周课程-不会因退学请求而受到影响/改变.

  • View/Print Schedule



  • Pay Tuition
    1. Click Student or the Student tab.
    2. Click Student Account.
    3. Click Account Summary.
    4. 按“以信用卡或电子支票付款”,并按“会计服务”提供的屏幕指示付款.
  • Review DegreeAudit

    DegreeAudit for students can be reviewed through Self-Service Banner.

    Request for General Core exceptions should go through your advisor. 
